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Ecomax Textile Co., Ltd.

公司名稱 Ecomax Textile Co., Ltd.
地址 彰化縣伸港鄉汴頭村117號
電話 047982028

 Ecomax is the first textile company which engaged in manufacturing PET bottle recycled fiber. By way of innovative and eco friendly technology developed by Ecomax, nondegradable PET bottles are recovered, cleaned, scraped, melted and then through spinning and texturing are transformed PETSPUN® yarn. Over the years, Ecomax had introduced various kind of PETSPUN® fabric, to satisfy the versatile market demand. Awarded with Taiwan Green Mark 0923, PETSPUN® is now a mature textile trademark and is well organized by an international clientele

Keen to take every action and measure to make our environment sustainable. The spirit of "reuse & reduce" is optimized in every corner of the office, from the uniforms made of recycled fabric to it self-prepared reusable chopsticks. For Ecomax, every bits counts in energy-saving and greenhouse effect cutting.

Ecomax Textile has several sales person and we can provide the testimonial to let the customers know they are using recycled PET material. Besides, Ecomax  is able to produce the products according to the design from our customer.

Ecomax had cooperated with several brands to have new elements. Furthermore we had plenty of good-looking products. We are hanging on the recycle products, and now become a one-stop shopping platform, which means we can produce from a raw material to the end-user products.


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